It works the same way, but instead of just text, you display a full web page or generate your own HTML code using your own script. If you are not happy with the Script Geeklet, Web will unleash your creativity. This is the little brother in the Geeklet family, but very powerfull. Whether it is a remote webcam, a network graph stored on a monitoring server, or a folder full of holidays pictures, GeekTool can put it on your desktop and refresh automatically, rotate through pictures, etc.
GeekTool will execute the script and display the output the way you want it. Come utilizzare GeekTool per rendere veramente il tuo Mac Preferisci che il tuo noioso spazio sul desktop sia pieno di utili informazioni di sistema o di foto di famiglia Se il tuo desktop sembra un po noioso, puoi aggiungere un ulteriore livello di personalizzazione con GeekTool, unapplicazione Mac OS X che aggiunge applet al desktop chiamato geeklets. One of the most powerful Geeklets! All you need is a script to get the information, then you can display it on your desktop. Specifically designed for log files, you can keep an eye on what is going on right from your desktop. Mac OS X 10.0 (code named Cheetah) is the first major release of macOS, Apples desktop and server operating system.Mac OS X 10.0 was released on Mafor a price of US129. There are four modules available that you can use for different types of information. GeekTool is a macOS application that lets you customize your desktop with great flexibility. With the help of this tool, you will be able to keep track of what is happening in your computer right from your desktop. Also, you can generate your own HTML using your own script.

You can add any Geeklets which is the name given to widgets in this software.